The Island of Utøya

I photographed the island of Utøya, Norway, on the 11th of December 2012. From very early morning until noontime, I was alone on the island. Due to the nature of the subject matter I have chosen not to display all of the pictures on my website.

The entire series consists of 45 images and spans from complete winter darkness to the rising of the sun.

This is not a work about the events of 22.07.2011 and by no means is it about the perpetrator; but instead it is a work about the slow process of mourning, of loss and finding a foothold again.

Regardless of what has happened, the sun will rise again. Which is both comforting and extremely cruel.

~ Werner Zellien

Nun will die Sonn’ so hell aufgeh’n

als sei kein Unglück die Nacht gescheh’n.

Das Unglück geschah nur mir allein.

Die Sonne, sie scheinet allgemein.

Friedrich Rückert, Kindertodtenlieder, 1834

The sun will rise as brightly now

as though the night had brought no tragedy.

The tragedy is mine alone.

The sun, it shines for everyone.

Songs on the Deaths of Children, Trans. by L. Salter